Jessica Valdez
Eng- 101
Safefy by Any Means
People believe it's against their Freedom of will and violation of the 4th amendment the extreme security measures the United States take to maintain their country save. Stops and frisks are racist actions done frequently to minorities because they fit the stereotype. That our children should not have to attend schools that are equipped with security guards and metal detectors, schools should not feel like jail. That it is not fair to be treated like a animal when your about to go on vacation. All the security and searches you have to go through at the airport to leave the state is headache. Yet i feel as if those are little scarifies that are worth it.
The government should be able to take any measure to ensure it's citizens they'll be safe. It is nice to feel secure about your child safety while he/she is in school. That when you fly you shouldn't have to worry about a repeat of 9/11. Police officers who try to maintain your neighborhood as safe as possible, by stopping and frisking any one who may look suspicious. Living in a society that finds ways to eliminate or drastically reduce crime, terrorism and other threats is a utopia for me.
Outregeous murders were being committing on school grounds all over the United States. The Columbine Massacre of April 20, 1999 had made the United States change drastically the security measures they had in their schools. The Columbine Massacre was two teenage kids who went into their schools with their mind set on killing as many people as possible, killing 13 and wounding many more. The Columbine Massacre was not the first time homicides had occurred on school grounds "between June 1994 and June 1999, 177 homicides of students between the ages five and 19 were committed at school. 84% of these homicides involved firearms" so the change in security in schools in the United States are good even if they violate student privacy. Metal detectors, police presence, and locker searches were some changes that were made after April 1999. I went to a small school who did not have metal directors and i wish it did, I never felt completely safe. Weapons and weed was regular in my school when it was time for dismissal I hope nothing would happen. So if a kid writes a poem expressing his hatred towards others in his school and how he feels like blowing the school up I feel as if the school does have the right to check that child locker and place him in counseling. Schools should take any measures possible to secure not only the children but the parents that their child is going to spend 8 hours a day 5 days a week in a secure environment.
September 11, 2001 was a drastic outrageous unexpected day for not only New York City but for the United States. Terrorists on planes crashed into these towers killing about 3,000 civilians. After the 9/11 terrorist attack the United States created the Department of Homeland security and extreme changes were made on airport security. Shoes now had to be removed at checkpoints, all baggages even carry ons must be screened and even body scan machine were being used. Even though people might have felt violated of their privacy and that it was rude to be check so much the pre-caution is a must. Sometimes airport security might check some more than other, some being muslims or those who may look muslim it is not wrong. If you had burn your finger, you are going to not only fear fire but take as much pre-caution as you can so you won't get burn again. The extreme measure need to be taken so we will not have to live a repeat of 9/11.
Free will in determining the course of our actions, or whether our actions are determined by forces beyond our control. In the movie Minority Report the "precogs" a trio who foresee crimes that are going to occur if the police do not intervene are like our modern day police and their 'stops and frisk'. In the same way that the precogs prevented tons of murders from being committed stops and frisks do also. People say stops and frisk are normally made in a racist manner but they are not. Many times in the past the majority of the men being blacks and hispanics have committed crimes, they make up more than half of prisons population. The same way if there was a chain of rape and murders in the city we would be quick to stereotype the man as being white, because many times in the past they have been white. I see all the good things stop and frisk does for my community. Today I was in the school yard playing ball with my friends when a cop car drives into the yard and starts frisking people. Two of the guys in the school yard had drugs on them, they were dealing these drugs in that yard a place for the neighborhood children to play. Stops and frisks are now randomly done in the train stations another good thing never know when a psycho might want to blow up a train or hold it hostage. You still have control over your life, you chose the kinds of things you put in your bag or pockets. Their is no violation to your 4th amendment your rights are still being respected and those who say that there not is because they might be carrying illegal items on them.
The extreme measures of security is needed in this country and would not be taken if we did not have so many positive outcome from doing so. The murder rates in our schools are lower then what they used to be. We have yet to witness an a terrorist attack such as 9/11 and our crime rate is also lower. All these positive feedback and in return all we have to do is give up a little bit of privacy and cooperation. Not bad right? Didn't think so.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Blog#9: essay 3 draft
Wouldn't it be nice to feel secure about your child safety while he/she is in school. That when you fly you shouldn't have to worry about a repeat of 9/11. Police officers who try to maintain your neighborhood as safe as possible, by stopping and frisking any one who may look suspicious. Living in a society that finds ways to eliminate or drastically reduce crime, terrorism and other threats is a utopia for me.
The Columbine Massacre of April 20, 1999 had made the United States change drastically the security measures they had in their schools. The Columbine Massacre was two teenage kids who went into their schools with their mind set on killing as many people as possible, killing 13 and wounding many more. The Columbine Massacre was not the first time homicides had occurred on school grounds "between June 1994 and June 1999, 177 homicides of students between the ages five and 19 were committed at school. 84% of these homicides involved firearms" so the change in security in schools in the United States are good even if they violate student privacy. Metal detectors, police presence, and locker searches were some changes that were made after April 1999. I went to a small school who did not have metal and i wish it did, I never felt completely safe. Weapons and weed was regular in my school when it was time for dismissal I hope nothing would happen. So if a kid writes a poem expressing his hatred towards others in his school and how he feels like blowing the school up I feel as if the school does have the right to check that child locker and place him in counseling. Schools should take any measures possible to secure not only the children but the parents that their child is going to spend 8hours a day 5 days a week in a secure environment.
September 11, 2001 was a drastic outrageous unexpected day for not only New York City but for the United States. Terrorists on planes crashed into these towers killing about 3,000 civilians. After the 9/11 terrorist attack the United States created the Department of Homeland security and extreme changes were made on airport security. Shoes now had to be removed at checkpoints, all baggages even carry ons must be screened and even body scan machine were being used. Even though people might have felt violated of their privacy and that it was rude to be check so much the pre-caution is a must. Sometimes airport security might check some more than other, some being muslims or those who may look muslim it is not wrong. If you had burn your finger, you are going to not only fear fire but take as much pre-caution as you can so you won't get burn again.
In the movie Minority Report the "precogs" a trio who foresee crimes that are going to occur if the police do not intervene are like our modern day police and their 'stops and frisk'. In the same way that the precogs prevented tons of murders from being committed stops and frisks do also. People say stops and frisk are normally made in a racist manner but they are not. Many times in the past the majority of the men being blacks and hispanics have committed crimes, they make up more than half of prisons population. The same way if there was a chain of rape and murders in the city we would be quick to stereotype the man as being white, because many times in the past they have been white. Im from the Bronx,ny i see all the good things stop and frisk does for my community. Today I was in the school yard playing ball with my friends when a cop car drives into the yard and starts frisking people. Two of the guys in the school yard had drugs on them, they were dealing these drugs in that yard a place for the neighborhood children to play. Stops and frisks are now randomly done in the train stations another good thing never know when a psycho might want to blow up a train or hold it hostage.
The Columbine Massacre of April 20, 1999 had made the United States change drastically the security measures they had in their schools. The Columbine Massacre was two teenage kids who went into their schools with their mind set on killing as many people as possible, killing 13 and wounding many more. The Columbine Massacre was not the first time homicides had occurred on school grounds "between June 1994 and June 1999, 177 homicides of students between the ages five and 19 were committed at school. 84% of these homicides involved firearms" so the change in security in schools in the United States are good even if they violate student privacy. Metal detectors, police presence, and locker searches were some changes that were made after April 1999. I went to a small school who did not have metal and i wish it did, I never felt completely safe. Weapons and weed was regular in my school when it was time for dismissal I hope nothing would happen. So if a kid writes a poem expressing his hatred towards others in his school and how he feels like blowing the school up I feel as if the school does have the right to check that child locker and place him in counseling. Schools should take any measures possible to secure not only the children but the parents that their child is going to spend 8hours a day 5 days a week in a secure environment.
September 11, 2001 was a drastic outrageous unexpected day for not only New York City but for the United States. Terrorists on planes crashed into these towers killing about 3,000 civilians. After the 9/11 terrorist attack the United States created the Department of Homeland security and extreme changes were made on airport security. Shoes now had to be removed at checkpoints, all baggages even carry ons must be screened and even body scan machine were being used. Even though people might have felt violated of their privacy and that it was rude to be check so much the pre-caution is a must. Sometimes airport security might check some more than other, some being muslims or those who may look muslim it is not wrong. If you had burn your finger, you are going to not only fear fire but take as much pre-caution as you can so you won't get burn again.
In the movie Minority Report the "precogs" a trio who foresee crimes that are going to occur if the police do not intervene are like our modern day police and their 'stops and frisk'. In the same way that the precogs prevented tons of murders from being committed stops and frisks do also. People say stops and frisk are normally made in a racist manner but they are not. Many times in the past the majority of the men being blacks and hispanics have committed crimes, they make up more than half of prisons population. The same way if there was a chain of rape and murders in the city we would be quick to stereotype the man as being white, because many times in the past they have been white. Im from the Bronx,ny i see all the good things stop and frisk does for my community. Today I was in the school yard playing ball with my friends when a cop car drives into the yard and starts frisking people. Two of the guys in the school yard had drugs on them, they were dealing these drugs in that yard a place for the neighborhood children to play. Stops and frisks are now randomly done in the train stations another good thing never know when a psycho might want to blow up a train or hold it hostage.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Blog #8: Free will and determinism
Free will and determinism. I am a strongly believer that people are in control of their own future. I feel as if every decision you make shapes your tomorrow but its your decision. We make decisions everyday from small to big and it does not matter how non -important we think a decision may be it will impact our tomorrow.
Oedipus heard the oracle of his life he would murder his father and marry his mother. Instead of asking who he thought were his parents if the oracle was true or false he decided to flee. Why on his way to Thebes did he let his rage take over him? Then he solves the sphinx and is able to marry the queen of Thebes yet it never crossed his mind that he should not be marrying a women that could be his mother. Oedipus had the ability to have free will and determinism but chose not too. Plenty of people to this day go through things they could've gotten themselves out of yet use the excuse "it was meant to be" .
In the movie Minority Report and the Article Free will and determinism it talks about this pre-crime prevention system and how it predicts future murders that will occur. The detective in the movie had said "it is human made so it has to have a flaw" while everyone was thinking this was perfect he knew there had to be something wrong with it. I agreed with him none of the murderers had committed a crime but because "the precogs see the future, and they're never wrong" they was still arrested and charged with murder. Isolated from the world forever. We would have never known if at the last minute the person would have decided not to go through with the murder, it was basically innocent people in jail forever. Pre-crime and precogs take the ability of having free will away from people. Even though minority report is based on future times things like that are happening today with these "stop and frisk" the police do. Their determinism to provide citizens with a safer environment by stopping people and searching them for any "weapons" has yet since it started been without any flaw. They usually stop and frisk what to them look suspicious meaning if your minority you will be stopped and searched because of the way you look. They barely stop and frisk the white men because they do not look suspicious. See the flaw the time wasted searching a minority man who look suspicious but had nothing on him could've been used to search a Caucasian men who could of have guns and drugs on him. The police men have free will yet chose determinism. Everyone has free will and control over there lives.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Blog #7: The Allegory of The Cave through History
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Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Blog #6: Free will and destiny in Oedipus
Free will or Destiny ?
Some people do not believe that the Gods have the power to choose your destiny. That each decision you make today shape your tomorrow. Yet i do believe there are somethings we do not have control over death for example no matter how much we try to avoid and run from it we are still going to die. Just like death their are others things in life that are just destine to happen to us. I believe certain events that happened in Oedipus life were destine to happen, one event was even prophesied before he was even born.
King Laius fancied and sexually took advantage of Pelops young son which caused a Pelops to place a curse upon King Laius and Queen Jocasta. One of the Gods of ancient Greece named Oracle tells King Laius and Queen Jocasta the prophecy that the child the him and Jocasta will have will murder him and marry Jocasta. Not only the child marry his mother he will also have children with her.
Knowing the prophecy when Oedipus was born he was giving to the shepherd to be killed. The shepherd couldn't do this to an innocent baby so he gave him to another shepherd. That shepherd would then give Oedipus to the King and Queen of Corinth because they could not have children of their own. Oedipus grew up believe that the King and Queen of Corinth were his real parents so when he heard the prophecy himself he ran away from home. Oedipus like many people thought he could have ran away from his destiny.
When Oedipus was on the road on his way to the Gods he had bumped into this old man who always ran him over. Oedipus and the man got into an altercation that had ended in the death of the old guy. The old guy turned out to be Oedipus. While Oedipus was "running" away from his destiny had actually made the first part of the prophecy true. Then Oedipus had solved the Spinx riddle and lifted the curse off thebes and its civilians. The people of thebes were so over-joyed they made him King and awarded him with a wife Jocasta. Second part of the prophecy came true still while Oedipus was "running" away from his destiny.
The people of thebes were so over-joyed they had not investigated King Laius death which upset the Gods. Oedipus in order to please the Gods started an investigation not knowing the murderer was him. He calls for Teirsias but gets angry at Teirsias because he thinks Teirsias is blaming him for the death of King Laius(which he is because Oedipus is the killer). Starting at line 550 Teirsias is telling Oedipus how the murderer of Laius will be another part of Oedipus life he had no control over .....
Some people do not believe that the Gods have the power to choose your destiny. That each decision you make today shape your tomorrow. Yet i do believe there are somethings we do not have control over death for example no matter how much we try to avoid and run from it we are still going to die. Just like death their are others things in life that are just destine to happen to us. I believe certain events that happened in Oedipus life were destine to happen, one event was even prophesied before he was even born.
King Laius fancied and sexually took advantage of Pelops young son which caused a Pelops to place a curse upon King Laius and Queen Jocasta. One of the Gods of ancient Greece named Oracle tells King Laius and Queen Jocasta the prophecy that the child the him and Jocasta will have will murder him and marry Jocasta. Not only the child marry his mother he will also have children with her.
Knowing the prophecy when Oedipus was born he was giving to the shepherd to be killed. The shepherd couldn't do this to an innocent baby so he gave him to another shepherd. That shepherd would then give Oedipus to the King and Queen of Corinth because they could not have children of their own. Oedipus grew up believe that the King and Queen of Corinth were his real parents so when he heard the prophecy himself he ran away from home. Oedipus like many people thought he could have ran away from his destiny.
When Oedipus was on the road on his way to the Gods he had bumped into this old man who always ran him over. Oedipus and the man got into an altercation that had ended in the death of the old guy. The old guy turned out to be Oedipus. While Oedipus was "running" away from his destiny had actually made the first part of the prophecy true. Then Oedipus had solved the Spinx riddle and lifted the curse off thebes and its civilians. The people of thebes were so over-joyed they made him King and awarded him with a wife Jocasta. Second part of the prophecy came true still while Oedipus was "running" away from his destiny.
The people of thebes were so over-joyed they had not investigated King Laius death which upset the Gods. Oedipus in order to please the Gods started an investigation not knowing the murderer was him. He calls for Teirsias but gets angry at Teirsias because he thinks Teirsias is blaming him for the death of King Laius(which he is because Oedipus is the killer). Starting at line 550 Teirsias is telling Oedipus how the murderer of Laius will be another part of Oedipus life he had no control over .....
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Blag #5:Final draft
`Jessica Valdez
ENG 101-0768
Dr. Luke Vaseileiou
Essay #1
Are genetically engineered
“superior” humans what are best for our future?
Imagine living in a world where they
will be two types of humankind the “God-children” and the genetically
engineered. Where your age of death and
all illness you will suffer from will be told to your parents at birth. How
smart you’ll be and the jobs you’ll qualify for will be determined by your
genes. Well that’s just how our future world is portrayed in the sci-fi
thriller Gattaca. In Gattaca from the
time you are born your future was already known and they were no way for you to
change it. Job interviews would consist of blood or urine samples to see if you
were “Valid” or “In-Valid”. They did not care about how smart you were or how
much that was your passion if you didn't genetically qualify you would not get
the Job. This future does not discriminate against gender or race there
discrimination was simply genetic. The “In-Valid” will be seen in that society
as “the other”. As seen many times before in history when a group views another
group as “the other” there is going to be conflict some have even led to
“Though well-equipped, we know not
who we are or where we are going.”- The Man on the Moon by George J. Annas this
quote from the article is explaining that even though we can be well equipped
we still might not know where were going, how life is going to turn out. In the
movie Gattaca Eugene the real Jerome Morrow was genetically engineered yet
never won a gold medal and ended up in a wheelchair. Vincent on the other hand
was not genetically engineered yet he never gave up on his dream of one day
being able to be able to fly to outer space. Vincent
the underclass of humans only good for menial jobs so for his dream to come
true it seemed almost impossible. Sounds like something heard before right
maybe in history or something told to you. In history you have seen something
like this cause major issues that even had led to war. It also causes issue in
the man make him feel like he's not enough have him constantly trying to prove
him and others wrong.
Columbus had reached the 'new' world with the goal to convert 'savages' in to
Christians. In Columbus eyes the Indians were 'the other' and he and his people
were the superior. This is why their encounter resulted in their merciless
subjugation and genocidal destruction. Another perfect example Hitler and his
Nazis army they believed they were the 'superior' human. Jews, Gypsies, and
Slavs to the Nazi were 'inferior' people that they felt needed to be
eliminated. These so-called useless eaters were snatched out their homes and
forced to live in concentration camps where they would be treated as lab rats.
This had led to WWII and the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights the most important human document to this date. Both these events
centuries apart all started with an idea that one was superior from another.
That all humans were better off being a certain way if not they shouldn't be
allowed to exist well at least co-exist with their type. Can you imagine a
world full of Christians trying to kill you if you do not convert or if Nazis
ruled world? I'm nowhere near being German or a Christian so me and people like
me would not survive. This is not no different than having genetically
engineered 'superior' humans if you’re not genetically engineered you won't
of us want our children to have better lives than the ones we had. Having the
power to be able to make that happen to be able to make your child smarter, stronger,
happier or longer-
Valdez 3
lived seems perfect but it’s not. “But in pursing this
objective we lose the perspective”-pg234 The Man on the Moon by George J.
Annas we are so busy chasing perfect humans that we forget
what aiming for perfection can do to our society. We forget
the issues it has caused in the past that can again occur in the future. George
J. Annas makes another good point in his article “an earth-sized human zoo
in which every man, women, and child has all the “smart genes” that’s what we’re going to be. Even if well-equipped were
humans we still won’t know what to do with ourselves. Not only would our
“God-children” suffer from genetic discrimination the genetically engineered
humans who do not meet up to the standard of
perfection will suffer too .We would have to build international
criminal court to help channel and control our new found powers and to protect
basic human rights. They will be an oppressor and an oppressed.
must inform science; science cannot inform (or define) humanity”-pg234. Let’s go back to the movie Gattaca now how Eugene
the Valid human didn't really amount to what his genetically engineered profile
said he could, but Vincent on the other hand the In-Valid surpassed his
profile. He flew into outer space and saved his genetically engineered brother’s
life twice, he cheated the whole system. He proved a
flaw which rises questions, how many other mistakes have been made? Something
like this might cause the ‘inferior’ people rebel against the “superior” humans.
That all along they the non-genetically engineered had been living in this
world that stopped them from doing what they wanted to do because they weren't genetically engineered. Since they weren't genetically engineered they did not
qualify no matter how hard they worked. There
can be no such thing as a perfect human because nothing is for sure including
science. There is one thing that is for sure though that when one group is
viewing another group as sub-human there’s going to conflict.
Valdez 4
Schneider, Susan.
Science fiction and philosophy: from time travel to superintelligence.
Chichester, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. Print.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Blog #4: Essay #1 complete draft
Do we really want what we seem to want? Is genetically engineered 'superior' humans what's best for our future
living in a world where our future will not depend on the stars as they say.
Where God is not our only creator because in this world children can be genetically
engineered to be the better human that they can be as possible. Where they will be two
types of humankind the “God children” and the genetically engineered. Where
your age of death and all illness you will suffer from will be told to your
parents at birth. How smart you’ll be and the jobs you’ll qualify for will be determined
by your genes. Where our whole future will depend upon on our genes. Well that’s just
how our future world is portrayed in the sci-fi thriller Gattaca.
In Gattaca from the time you are born your future was already known and they were
no way for you to change it. Job interviews would consist of blood or urine
samples to see if you were “Valid” or “In-Valid”. They did not care about how smart
you were or how much that was your passion if you didn’t genetically qualify you
would not get the Job. This future does not discriminate against gender or race
there discrimination was simply genetic. The “In-Valid” will be seen in that
society as “the other”. As seen many times before in history when a group views
another group as “the other” there is going to be conflict some have even led
to war. Since in the Gattaca there
were so obsessed with pursing this objective of a perfect society with
perfectly genetically engineered man, women, and children they lost the
perspective that they system might be flawed.
In the movie Gattaca they show how flawed this system can be. Not only are the “God children” restricted from being able to accomplish certain things in life but, the standard for the genetically engineered are set too high because their all built to be able to achieve greatness their all expected to achieve it. “Though well-equipped, we know not who we are or where we are going.”- The Man on the Moon by George J. Annas this quote from the article is explaining that even though we can be well equipped we still might not know where were going, how life is going to turn out. In the movie Gattaca Eugene the real Jerome Morrow was genetically engineered yet never won a gold medal and ended up in a wheelchair. Vincent on the other hand was not genetically engineered yet he never gave up on his dream of one day being able to be able to fly to outer space. Vincent was the underclass of humans only good for menial jobs so for his dream to come true it seemed almost impossible. Sounds like something heard before right maybe in history or something told to you. In history you seen something like this cause major issues that even had led to war. It also causes issue in the man make him feel like he's not enough have him constantly trying to prove him and others wrong.
Christopher Columbus had reached the 'new' world with the goal 'savages' in to Christians. In Columbus eyes the Indians were 'the other' and him and his people the superior. Reason why their encounter resulted in their merciless subjugation and genocidal destruction. Another perfect example Hitler and his Nazis army they believed they were the 'superior' human. Jews, Gypsies, and Slavs to the Nazi were 'inferior' people that they felt needed to be eliminated. These so-called useless eaters were snatched out their homes and forced to live in concentration camps where they would be treated as lab rats. This had led to WWII and the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights the most important human document to this date. Both these events centuries apart all started with an idea that one was superior from another. That all humans were better off being a certain way if not they shouldn't be allowed to exist well at least co-exist with their type. Can you imagine a world full of Christians trying to kill you if you do not convert or if Nazis ruled world? I'm nowhere near being German or a christian so me and people like me would not survive. This is not no different than having genetically engineered 'superior' humans if your not genetically engineered you won't survive.
Most of us want our children to have better lives than we did i know. Having the power to be able to make that happen to be able to make your child smarter,stronger,happier or longer-lived seems perfect but its not. "But in pursing this objective we lose the perspective"-pg234 The Man on the Moon by George J. Annas we are so busy chasing perfect humans that we forget what aiming for 'perfection' can do to our society. We forget the issues it has caused in the past that can again occur in the future. George J. Annas makes another good point in his article "an earth-sized human zoo in which every man, women, and child has all the "smart genes" that's what were going to be. Even if well equipped were humans we still won't know what to do with ourselves. Not only that we would have to build international criminal court to help channel and control our new found powers and to protect basic human rights. They will be an oppressor and an oppressed.
Lets go back to the movie Gattaca now how Eugene the Valid human didn't really amount to what his genetically engineered profile said he could, but Vincent on the other hand the In-Valid surpassed his profile. He did not only just fly to outer space and save a genetically engineered male life twice he cheated the whole system. He proved a flaw which rises questions on many other mistakes have been made and something like this might cause the 'inferior' people rebel against the 'superior'. They can be no such thing as a perfect human because nothing is for sure including science. There is one thing that is for sure though that when one group is being another group as sub-human there's going to be serious issues.
In the movie Gattaca they show how flawed this system can be. Not only are the “God children” restricted from being able to accomplish certain things in life but, the standard for the genetically engineered are set too high because their all built to be able to achieve greatness their all expected to achieve it. “Though well-equipped, we know not who we are or where we are going.”- The Man on the Moon by George J. Annas this quote from the article is explaining that even though we can be well equipped we still might not know where were going, how life is going to turn out. In the movie Gattaca Eugene the real Jerome Morrow was genetically engineered yet never won a gold medal and ended up in a wheelchair. Vincent on the other hand was not genetically engineered yet he never gave up on his dream of one day being able to be able to fly to outer space. Vincent was the underclass of humans only good for menial jobs so for his dream to come true it seemed almost impossible. Sounds like something heard before right maybe in history or something told to you. In history you seen something like this cause major issues that even had led to war. It also causes issue in the man make him feel like he's not enough have him constantly trying to prove him and others wrong.
Christopher Columbus had reached the 'new' world with the goal 'savages' in to Christians. In Columbus eyes the Indians were 'the other' and him and his people the superior. Reason why their encounter resulted in their merciless subjugation and genocidal destruction. Another perfect example Hitler and his Nazis army they believed they were the 'superior' human. Jews, Gypsies, and Slavs to the Nazi were 'inferior' people that they felt needed to be eliminated. These so-called useless eaters were snatched out their homes and forced to live in concentration camps where they would be treated as lab rats. This had led to WWII and the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights the most important human document to this date. Both these events centuries apart all started with an idea that one was superior from another. That all humans were better off being a certain way if not they shouldn't be allowed to exist well at least co-exist with their type. Can you imagine a world full of Christians trying to kill you if you do not convert or if Nazis ruled world? I'm nowhere near being German or a christian so me and people like me would not survive. This is not no different than having genetically engineered 'superior' humans if your not genetically engineered you won't survive.
Most of us want our children to have better lives than we did i know. Having the power to be able to make that happen to be able to make your child smarter,stronger,happier or longer-lived seems perfect but its not. "But in pursing this objective we lose the perspective"-pg234 The Man on the Moon by George J. Annas we are so busy chasing perfect humans that we forget what aiming for 'perfection' can do to our society. We forget the issues it has caused in the past that can again occur in the future. George J. Annas makes another good point in his article "an earth-sized human zoo in which every man, women, and child has all the "smart genes" that's what were going to be. Even if well equipped were humans we still won't know what to do with ourselves. Not only that we would have to build international criminal court to help channel and control our new found powers and to protect basic human rights. They will be an oppressor and an oppressed.
Lets go back to the movie Gattaca now how Eugene the Valid human didn't really amount to what his genetically engineered profile said he could, but Vincent on the other hand the In-Valid surpassed his profile. He did not only just fly to outer space and save a genetically engineered male life twice he cheated the whole system. He proved a flaw which rises questions on many other mistakes have been made and something like this might cause the 'inferior' people rebel against the 'superior'. They can be no such thing as a perfect human because nothing is for sure including science. There is one thing that is for sure though that when one group is being another group as sub-human there's going to be serious issues.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Blog #3: Essay 1 early draft
Jessica Valdez
ENG 101-0768
Dr. Luke Vasileiou
ENG 101-0768
Dr. Luke Vasileiou
Do we really want what we seem to want? Is genetically engineered 'superior' humans what's best for our future
living in a world where our future will not depend on the stars as they say.
Where God is not our only creator because in this world children can be genetically
engineered to be the better human that they can be as possible. Where they will be two
types of humankind the “God children” and the genetically engineered. Where
your age of death and all illness you will suffer from will be told to your
parents at birth. How smart you’ll be and the jobs you’ll qualify for will be determined
by your genes. Where our whole future will depend upon on our genes. Well that’s just
how our future world is portrayed in the sci-fi thriller Gattaca.
In Gattaca from the time you are born your future was already known and they were
no way for you to change it. Job interviews would consist of blood or urine
samples to see if you were “Valid” or “In-Valid”. They did not care about how smart
you were or how much that was your passion if you didn’t genetically qualify you
would not get the Job. This future does not discriminate against gender or race
there discrimination was simply genetic. The “In-Valid” will be seen in that
society as “the other”. As seen many times before in history when a group views
another group as “the other” there is going to be conflict some have even led
to war. Since in the Gattaca there
were so obsessed with pursing this objective of a perfect society with
perfectly genetically engineered man, women, and children they lost the
perspective that they system might be flawed.
In the movie Gattaca they show how flawed this system can be. Not only are the “God children” restricted from being able to accomplish certain things in life but, the standard for the genetically engineered are set too high because their all built to be able to achieve greatness their all expected to achieve it. “Though well-equipped, we know not who we are or where we are going.”- The Man on the Moon by George J. Annas this q uote from the article is explaining that even though we can be well equipped we still might not know where were going, how life is going to turn out. In the movie Gattaca Eugene the real Jerome Morrow was genetically engineered yet never won a gold medal and ended up in a wheelchair. Vincent on the other hand was not genetically engineered yet he never gave up on his dream of one day being able to be able to fly to outer space. Vincent was the underclass of humans only good for menial jobs so for his dream to come true it seemed almost impossible. Sounds like something heard before right maybe in history or something told to you. In history you seen something like this cause major issues that even had led to war. It also causes issue in the man make him feel like he's not enough have him constantly trying to prove him and others wrong.
In the movie Gattaca they show how flawed this system can be. Not only are the “God children” restricted from being able to accomplish certain things in life but, the standard for the genetically engineered are set too high because their all built to be able to achieve greatness their all expected to achieve it. “Though well-equipped, we know not who we are or where we are going.”- The Man on the Moon by George J. Annas this q uote from the article is explaining that even though we can be well equipped we still might not know where were going, how life is going to turn out. In the movie Gattaca Eugene the real Jerome Morrow was genetically engineered yet never won a gold medal and ended up in a wheelchair. Vincent on the other hand was not genetically engineered yet he never gave up on his dream of one day being able to be able to fly to outer space. Vincent was the underclass of humans only good for menial jobs so for his dream to come true it seemed almost impossible. Sounds like something heard before right maybe in history or something told to you. In history you seen something like this cause major issues that even had led to war. It also causes issue in the man make him feel like he's not enough have him constantly trying to prove him and others wrong.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Blog #2: Utopia and Dystopia
In all honesty i had never heard of these two words in my life so at first it was difficult for me to understand. I continued to read and research these words passed just definition. In a way Utopia and Dystopia to me are two words that are used to describe or paint a picture of how your life will be depending on your actions. In another way the state of Utopia or Dystopia depends on individuals. What might be perfect to one person might be unpleasant to another. Example people who belief in Christianity believe in Heaven which is their utopia and Hell which is their dystopia. Christians belief that if you do not belief in Jesus do not admit your guilty when you sin and do not ask for forgiveness you will not make it to Heaven their utopia. In Heaven as they say everything is perfect nobody is sick old or sad. Their with their Heavenly father resting their soul in peace. But if you do not belief in Jesus and your a sinner who does not repent and asks for forgiveness your going to hell. In hell your soul will be tortured for eternity it will never be at peace, you'll never feel joy just sorrow. That same example can be individualistic example people who are atheist belief that their is no God. They do not belief that when people die they go to a better place (heaven) or to hell to them simply death is death. Nothing will happen to you after you die they feel no sympathy. The terms Utopia and Dystopia mean nothing. In my opinion everyone is entitled to their own opinion on Utopia and Dystopia because we all clearly don't feel the same way about everything in life.
noun /yo͞oˈtōpēə/
Utopias, plural
An imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect. The word was first used in the book Utopia (1516) by Sir Thomas More"- Google.comUtopias, plural
noun /disˈtōpēə/
dystopias, plural
An imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded one" - Google.comdystopias, plural
In all honesty i had never heard of these two words in my life so at first it was difficult for me to understand. I continued to read and research these words passed just definition. In a way Utopia and Dystopia to me are two words that are used to describe or paint a picture of how your life will be depending on your actions. In another way the state of Utopia or Dystopia depends on individuals. What might be perfect to one person might be unpleasant to another. Example people who belief in Christianity believe in Heaven which is their utopia and Hell which is their dystopia. Christians belief that if you do not belief in Jesus do not admit your guilty when you sin and do not ask for forgiveness you will not make it to Heaven their utopia. In Heaven as they say everything is perfect nobody is sick old or sad. Their with their Heavenly father resting their soul in peace. But if you do not belief in Jesus and your a sinner who does not repent and asks for forgiveness your going to hell. In hell your soul will be tortured for eternity it will never be at peace, you'll never feel joy just sorrow. That same example can be individualistic example people who are atheist belief that their is no God. They do not belief that when people die they go to a better place (heaven) or to hell to them simply death is death. Nothing will happen to you after you die they feel no sympathy. The terms Utopia and Dystopia mean nothing. In my opinion everyone is entitled to their own opinion on Utopia and Dystopia because we all clearly don't feel the same way about everything in life.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Blog #1 autobiographical
November 29, 1994 Tupac Shakur was shoot five times
and miraculously survived. While he was being rushed to the hospital I was
born. My mom told me the story about how when she found out she was pregnant of
me she wasn’t planning on having me. See she had already three kids before me
and was only 24. She told me she was laying on the hospital bed ready waiting
for her abortion to take place until a nurse came in and spoke. She asked my
mother why is she doing this and told her she shouldn’t that I could be the
little girl she always as good for the best child out of 4. I never met this
nurse but I wish I had because thanks to her I am here where I am now because
somehow she got my mother to change her mind and keep me. My life was soon
going to be over before my first breathe but I was saved by miracle. I am the
youngest out of four since after my mother gave birth she tied her tubes she
was serious about the no baby thing this time. I have two brothers and one
sister, the nurse lady in a way was right though because out of 4 I was the
only one to graduate from high school. It sometimes shock people but from where
I’m from it’s pretty much expected. When a child comes from a place where their
teacher’s friend’s neighbors and even their own family expect them to fail they
start to believe it themselves and fail. I’ve seen middle school honor students
turn in to criminal charged with 5 to 10 years in prison. I’ve had a couple
friends not be able to make it to their 21st birthday yet alone high
school graduation yea it sucks but we still have to go on. That’s what thing
about life and time it doesn’t wait on anybody to catch up. In a way it’s hard
but it another I thank it because it’s what has me here in school and it guided
me towards my major psychology/counseling. I want to be able to go back and
help children that go through things just like I did and I want to be able to
guide them and tell them there are better things out there then where you’re
from. Tell them that the hood shouldn’t
hold you back that should never be an excuse instead it should make them hungry
for better. Hopefully one day I can. I just started college so hope and
determination is all I can really have. When I was struggling in high school to
be able to graduate on time hope and determination was all I had. I manage to
find a afterschool program that helped me catch up quicker because the credits
earned depended on my ability on how quick I could do work. But like I was
determined I was in that after school program everyday day didn’t matter if
there was a snowstorm outside I was in there working I was determined to
graduate on June 2012. When graduation day came that was the first time I
noticed I worked hard and it paid off. When my name was called and tears of joy
were coming down my family members faces as I walked on stage my heart smiled I
felt satisfied with myself. It was like
when a mother carries a child for nine months and even on the day she’s giving
birth she complaining about all the pain but when she sees her child all the
pain vanishes for that moment because she is too happy her heart smiled. That
just makes me think of my own mother all the pain she went through to have me
and all the struggles she went through and is still going through to raise me but
when she sees me getting ready to go to school or work she tells me I’m so
proud of you. I know she’s not thinking of the struggles and sacrifice and that
time because at that particular time her heart is smiling.
Jessica Valdez
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