noun /yo͞oˈtōpēə/
Utopias, plural
An imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect. The word was first used in the book Utopia (1516) by Sir Thomas More"- Google.comUtopias, plural
noun /disˈtōpēə/
dystopias, plural
An imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded one" - Google.comdystopias, plural
In all honesty i had never heard of these two words in my life so at first it was difficult for me to understand. I continued to read and research these words passed just definition. In a way Utopia and Dystopia to me are two words that are used to describe or paint a picture of how your life will be depending on your actions. In another way the state of Utopia or Dystopia depends on individuals. What might be perfect to one person might be unpleasant to another. Example people who belief in Christianity believe in Heaven which is their utopia and Hell which is their dystopia. Christians belief that if you do not belief in Jesus do not admit your guilty when you sin and do not ask for forgiveness you will not make it to Heaven their utopia. In Heaven as they say everything is perfect nobody is sick old or sad. Their with their Heavenly father resting their soul in peace. But if you do not belief in Jesus and your a sinner who does not repent and asks for forgiveness your going to hell. In hell your soul will be tortured for eternity it will never be at peace, you'll never feel joy just sorrow. That same example can be individualistic example people who are atheist belief that their is no God. They do not belief that when people die they go to a better place (heaven) or to hell to them simply death is death. Nothing will happen to you after you die they feel no sympathy. The terms Utopia and Dystopia mean nothing. In my opinion everyone is entitled to their own opinion on Utopia and Dystopia because we all clearly don't feel the same way about everything in life.